You should not store calculated data as it will be in error if records are
revised. Whenever the calculation results are needed it should be done then
in a query.
First you have got to have a field that has common data in both tables so
you know which record from table A to use with record from table B.
Then in query design view put both tables in the space above the grid.
Click on the common data field in table A and drag to the common data field
in table B. This will create a connecting line.
In the FIELD row of the grid type this --
My_Total: [Table A].[current] + [Table 2].[out]
If there may be any null fields then use this --
My_Total: Nz([Table A].[current], 0) + Nz([Table 2].[out], 0)
Click on the 'Total' field of Table A and drag to the FIELD row. Click on
query type and select Update Query. Copy the formula only (all after the
colon) into the Update To: row of the grid below 'Total' in the grid.
Run the query.
Build a little, test a little.
Post by HubbyMaxThought I would give it one more try. How do I run a calculation that uses a
field from 2 different tables?
Table A - field, current
Table 2 - field, out
current - out = ? to be placed in 'total' field in Table A